Sanitas is one of these 60 or so companies and has long been one of the most popular health insurers in Switzerland when it comes to customer satisfaction. At Sanitas, you benefit from individual insurance solutions plus free, innovative services – and you can be sure of the support of a reliable, straightforward health partner when you need it most.
Basic and supplementary insurance to meet your needs
At Sanitas, you can choose from a range of basic insurance models. They all offer the same benefits and only vary in terms of who you contact first for medical queries. Depending on the model, you can save between 7% and 27% compared to the standard premium.
The Sanitas supplementary insurance plans deliver innovative products at attractive conditions − to suit all needs and every budget, for excellent all-round cover.
Click below and an expert insurance advisor will be happy to help you find a suitable solution.
How can you save money on your premiums?
As well as your choice of insurance model, you have three other options to determine your monthly premium:
If you work more than 8 hours a week for the same employer, you are insured against accidents through them, which means you can exclude accident cover from your basic insurance.
You are free to choose a deductible. This is the amount that you contribute to your treatment costs. The higher your deductible – i.e. how much you pay in the event of illness – the lower your premium.
If you choose to pay your health insurance premium annually, you receive a discount.
Want to find out more? Click below, sit back and rest easy knowing you’re in good hands. An expert insurance advisor will call you as soon as possible and answer any questions you may have.
Want to know more about health insurance in Switzerland?
This How-To Guide will show you the main points to consider.